4 Signs to Look For To Decipher A Dog’s Body Language

As dog owners, we would agree that it would be so nice if our dogs could say that they love us back! But even if dogs can’t talk, it doesn’t mean that they can’t express their feelings in different ways. Dogs depend on eye expressions and body language to express their emotions, but deciphering their unique way of communication can be tricky at times. In this article, we are going to help you understand your four-legged friend better.

  1.   Pay attention to the tail

Tail movements are probably the most obvious signals to decipher which a lot of dog owners seem to underestimate. A high, wagging tail is your puppy’s natural way to show that they’re excited and content, while a low or tucked tail should tell you that your pet is stressed. The way your dog is wagging its tail is also important — high tail wags are signs of your Fido’s good mood, while low and slow wags may show fear and anxiety. A dog owner should especially watch for a stiff, straight tail that shakes, rather than wags. This is a sign of aggression and may indicate that a dog is going to bark or attack.

2. Ears are no less expressive

If your dog is calm and serene, you may notice their ears are relaxed, or “floppy”. You may also notice your pet raise their ears in an upright, pricked position — that means that your dog is focused and alert. Flat ears pinned to the back of the head, on the other hand, may signal stress and anxiety. Forward-pointing, flat ears may indicate aggression in your dog.

3. Body posture can say a lot

A relaxed, natural posture is a good sign that nothing is troubling your dog. Loose and relaxed shoulders, together with a wiggly tail, should give you an idea that your pet is feeling tranquil. On the contrary, a tense, stiff posture that looks like your dog is trying to hold itself is a sign of worrying and discomfort. Your dog may also try to shrink away and hold their head low, which you probably noticed when trying to discipline your pet. To stand tall in an alert way with the head pointing upwards means that your dog is expressing aggression. Alternatively, a scared and aggressive dog may move their weight to the back to be ready to jump.

4. Eye contact is crucial

Even if your dog is not a huge fan of moving around and communicating their every emotion via their body movements, it is almost certain that they will use their eyes to tell you what they feel.  Confident and direct eye contact with the head up is usually a sign of a content and unworried dog, while looking at you with their head down or evading any eye contact should tell that your pet is stressed. Fixed gaze straight in the eye is a sign of aggression, which means you should stop interacting with the dog at once and wait until it calms down.

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